Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany


The Allianz Stadium

The Allianz Arena is a football (soccer) stadium in the north of Munich. It is known as “FIFA World Cup Stadium Munich” during the 2006 World Cup.

The capacity of the stadium has increased from 66,000 to 69,901 spectators (including standing room).


Stadium: 258m x 227m x 50m
Playing level: 120m x 83m
Gross grass area: 111m x 72m
Playing field: 105m x 68m
Parking garage: 270,000m2


Total concrete used during stadium construction: 120,000m3
Total concrete used for the parking garage: 85,000m3
Total steel used during stadium construction: 22,000 metric tons
Total steel used for the parking garage: 14,000 metric tons

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

Stunning World Cup Stadium in Germany'

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