Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?


Dick Tracy was the very first one to use them; back in the 1940’s when it reached the mainstream media, through the Chicago Tribune’s pages.
Since then, some companies presented prototypes of wrist phones, a couple of them even launched some models, but all of them were big, heavy things. Nothing you would like to walk around with.

But the companies are still trying, here are some models, like the BenQ Siemens snake model, the LiteON bracelet, the Nec Tag and finally the coolest one IMHO, the Nokia Icon.


Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?


Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Nec Tag

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Nokia Icon

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

Ever Seen Wrist Phones ?

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