For millions of pet owners out there, it’s time to stop the selfishness with regards to your furniture. Your furniture should be designed for everyone, not just the humans in your house. That’s the theory behind the Cat Tunnel Sofa, a couch designed for both you and your cat. Designer Seungji Mun actually built this sofa from scratch using a big piece of pipe for the tunnel and foam for the cushions.

Your pet usually ends up sitting under your chair or a nearby table anyway, why not design a chair that’s for both of you? The “Rocking-2-gether Chair” by Paul Kweton is a hybrid rocking chair and dog/cat house. Rock out with your Cock(er) Spaniel out! The chair is made of a birch plywood and has a little shelf underneath for your dog or cat (or other pet?) to sit with you.
PS: not recommended for pets with long tails. 
This multifunctional unit can be used as a coffee table or night stand while providing a discrete sleeping area for your dog or cat.

Celebrity Chad Rogers has this amazing couch with pet stairs to ease the life of Starla, his Chihuahua.

Artisan Kitchens is designing kitchen furniture with built-in feeding stations to keep things tidy. Everybody is invited to the table.

I think this is ideal cat furniture; a dream for every cat. Why do humans always think that furniture must be for things? Why don’t they understand that we cats need a place to see all that happens in a room? These good places are always filled with books, clothes and other things. They must have furniture for cats, too.

This table was created by American designer Emily Wettstein. The walnut and steel body has a removable planter in the center of the table that can be sewn with special greenery for kitties.

In Toru Hirose’s living room in Kobe, Japan, his basset hound, Marco, has a hidden snack bar, restroom and nap space.

Jardin Chic is showing that pet friendly furniture can also be “chic”. Take a look at these planters with dual functions. They serve as green spaces and beds for cats, dogs or birds.

From catwalks to cat tunnels to more cat decorations than you can imagine, Bob Walker and Frances Mooney have let their home go to the cats.