Cool Beds For Smartest People


1. Book Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

Now you can literally curl up in the pages of a good book! Yusuke Suzuki made this bed with sheets forming the pages and pillows serving as bookmarks.

2. Cabriolet Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

Although manufactured in the late 60’s, the Cabriolet Bed by designer Joe Colombo holds good in design and technology even today. Probably regarded as ahead of its times, the bed incorporates multifunctional features that is seen in most modern designs as well. Included on the bed head are switches for operating the fan, radio, cigarette lighter and even a phone. The coolest thing about the entire design is that in a jiffy, total privacy can be achieved with minimal fuss. The bed doesn’t rely on flimsy curtains of the four-poster style seen used in those days, instead the yellow canopy on top pulls down to completely engulf the bed.

Also included in the bed head are small drawers to store nick-knacks or medicines. The backside of the Cabriolet Bed features a mirror. The limited edition bed is not just fancy but functional to match the designs as well as needs of the modern homes.

3. Roller Coaster Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

The New Decor is an art exhibition displayed at the Hayward Gallery in London. The exhibit featured 30 artists and is designed to explore “the evolution of interior and exterior environments.” The artists have essentially created provocative installations from everyday household furniture or items, such as this roller coaster-resembling bed by Los Carpinteros. It looks like it would be such a blast to have a slumber party on, or even just to roll around it for a while.

4. Millennium Falcon Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

Kayla Kromer, of Hamburger Bed fame, strikes back with this out-of-this-galaxy Millennium Falcon bed, complete with working taillights, smuggling pouches, and a goddamn starfield projector.

5. Net Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

File this under cool beds for geeks. Located inside an actual office, this bed was designed to look like a giant net (or spiderweb) overlooking the bottom floor.

6. Sofa-Bunk Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

Sure we’ve all seen convertible sofas that transform into a double bed and even easy chairs that convert to single beds but have you ever seen a couch that can become bunk beds? Now you have with the space saving Doc couch from Resource Furniture. The cover is fully removable for easy cleaning and there is an integrated ladder.

7. Bird Nest Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

This giant bird nest was designed by Merav Eitan and Gaston Zahr as part of the Green Garden Exhibition. Looks so inviting, doesn’t it?

8. Morfeo Sofa Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

This may be the ultimate combination especially for those who love to read in bed. From Domodinamica comes the Morfeo sofa sleeper with some really great curves and a very fun look. It has been compared to a cartoon character but this creature’s antennas are very useful reading lights that can be turned off individually, and adjusted to multiple positions.Morfeo can really compliment a modern decor or finish off a guest room. The sleeper is very comfortable making it as useful as it is cool. The Morfeo comes in several colors and it costs around $5500.

9. Sandwich Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

This bed can be found at the ‘Happy Days’ room at the FantaSuite Hotel in West Bend, Wisconsin. Entitled to tomatoes, lettuce, bacon and cheese, among other ingredients, it is part of the decor theme of the fourth network FantaSuite Hotels.

10. Bath Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

I haven’t found much information about this bathing bed, but I’m sure it must be the coolest experience ever.

11. Beam Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

This Beam Bed is designed to shoot out an array of light beams from under your sleeping surface. It makes your bed resemble a UFO more closely than a comfortable place to rest your head.

Designed by Ewan Robertson for Lagostudio, this lacquered wood crafted Beam Bed emits a steady glow from the central base of the frame which is divided into beams thanks to borders set along the bed frame. What results is a beautiful light display which turns your boring bedroom into something that resembles an alien landing deck. The Sun inspired design is both calming and unsettling at the same time. It might take some getting used to, but it’s a truly unique way for changing the entire landscape of your bedroom. No information yet on where or when we can see such a product for sale, but we think many of you might be interested.

12. Doctor Who ‘TARDIS’ Bed

Cool Beds For Smartest People

This may be the coolest bed ever. The "TARDIS" from the massively popular British sci-fi show Doctor Who. It’s a time machine disguised as a police box (thanks to all our Doctor Who fans who wrote us pointing that out).

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