6. A Soft Murmur
A Soft Murmur allows you to play an array of soothing background noises, like rain, wind, birdsong, waves, and rolling thunder for free. Yes, you can find similar music collections on YouTube, but where this website is better is that you’ll have all kinds of noises in front of you in one place and you won’t have to search for them individually. Moreover, you can overlay the noises and create your own perfect background mix for the amount of time you want it to run. This will be ideal when you are quietly relaxing in the evening and want the noise of a coffee shop in the background or when you are trying to drift to sleep and would like to hear the soothing sound of the waves to ease your mind.
7. Privnote
Sending a private note with sensitive or confidential information on the Internet can be risky because some malicious hacker may easily get hold of it. Privnote is immensely helpful for this purpose as it allows you to send a note over the web that self-destructs after its read. This free web-based service is fast and easy and doesn’t require any registration or password. After you write the note, you’ll get a link that you can copy and paste into an email or instant message and send to the person concerned. Once it’s been read, the note will self-destruct.
Privnote also offers added options where you can set the time when the message will delete, add a password for more protection, and receive a confirmation email once the note has been destroyed.
8. Down For Everyone Or Just Me
Sometimes you’ll find that a website you are trying to access isn’t working or is down. That might be a problem with the site itself or it might be a connection issue at your end. Down For Everyone Or Just Me is a simple site that makes it easy for you to find out the cause in such a situation. You just have to enter the URL of the website that’s causing an issue on the box that’s provided and the tool will let you know if it’s just down for you or for everyone else too.
9. ToffeeShare
While many websites allow you to share large sizes, what sets ToffeeShare apart is that it has no file size limit and no account or registration is required to use it. Furthermore, the files will never be stored online and are transferred directly (encrypted and P2P) to the receiver. The only little drawback is that the link for the files will be open as long as the browser tab is open. However, given it’s no size limit appeal, ToffeeShare is more than worth it.
10. Every Time Zone
Trying to figure out time zone differences can be quite complex and confusing, isn’t it? Well, you can try Every Time Zone that makes it easy for the user to see how a time in one place translates to everywhere else. The useful slider tool shows the current time in major time zones across the world. This will be particularly useful for those who have two or more time zones to coordinate. Just click and drag the top bar and see what your local time corresponds to in different time zones.